The way to a smaller footprint

The global mobility industry’s main associations are working closer together to tackle priority areas for reducing carbon footprint and increasing environmental sustainability. Magali Horbert, FIDI’s Sustainability and Strategic Communications Manager, gives an update

What does a ‘carbon footprint’ look like?

It seems that the world is trying to find its feet, or rather its footprint – its carbon footprint, that is. Look around you and you will see talk of this everywhere: on the ads for ‘zero carbon’ cars, when you book a flight online, even on some food items in the supermarket.

We have all heard about the carbon footprint, a concept that was interestingly made popular through a marketing campaign commissioned by BP (British Petroleum) in the early 2000s, to shift the public’s attention from its own ecological impact to the responsibility of the individual consumer.1 But can you say that you actually know what it means?

Read more: The way to a smaller footprint – FIDI Focus


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Sustainability & Global Mobility